Privacy Practices


Privacy Notice

About the Notice

In the Privacy Notice, the word “Agency” means Preferred Therapy Services. When referring to the Agency, we use “Preferred.” In this notice, “medical information” means the same as “health information.” When you receive benefits from Preferred, we may get health information about you. Health information includes any information that relates to:

This notice tells you about your privacy rights, Preferred’s duty to protect health information that identifies you, and how Preferred may use or disclose health information that identifies you without your written permission. This notice does not apply to health information that does not identify you or anyone else. Please share this notice with everyone in your household who receives benefits from Preferred.

Your Privacy Rights

The law gives you the right to:

If you have questions about this notice or need more information about your privacy rights, you may contact The Medicaid hotline at 1.800.252.8263.

If you believe Preferred has violated your privacy rights, you may file a complaint by contacting the Medicaid hotline at 1.800.252.8263. You may also file a complaint with the:

There will be no retaliation for filing a complaint.

How Preferred Therapy Services Uses and Discloses Health Information that Identifies You


Preferred may use or disclose health information about you to pay or collect payment for your health care. For example when your doctor sends a bill to Medicaid, it includes information about your illness and treatment.

Health Care Operations

Preferred may use or disclose health information about you for health care operations. Health care operations include:

Family Member, Other Relative or Close Personal Friend

Preferred may disclose health information about you to a family member, other relative or close personal friend when:

Government Programs Providing Public Benefits

Preferred may disclose health information about you to another government agency offering public benefits if:

Health Oversight Activities

Preferred may sometimes use or disclose health information about you for Health Oversight Activities which include looking into:

Preferred may disclose health information for Oversight Activities only to another Health Oversight Agency. A Health Oversight Agency must be a government agency or someone acting on behalf of a government agency.

Public Health

Preferred may disclose health information about you to:

Victims of Abuse, Neglect or Domestic Violence

If Preferred believes you are the victim of abuse, neglect or domestic violence, the agency may disclose health information about you to a government agency that receives reports of abuse, neglect, or domestic violence if:

Serious Threat to Health or Safety

Preferred may use or disclose health information about you if it believes the use or disclosure is needed:

For Other Law Enforcement Purposes

Preferred may disclose health information about you to a law enforcement official for the following law enforcement purposes:

Preferred will not disclose information that identifies you as seeking or receiving substance abuse services

For Judicial or Administrative Proceedings

An agency may disclose health information about you in response to:

As Required by Law

Preferred must use or disclose health information about you when a law requires the use or disclosure.


Preferred may disclose health information about you to their contractors if the contractor: needs the information to perform services for Preferred and agrees to protect the privacy of the information.


Preferred may use or disclose health information about you for research board approves the use. The board will ensure that your privacy is protected when your health information is used in research. Your health information may also be used to allow a researcher to prepare for research, as long as the researcher agrees to keep the information confidential or after you die, for research that involves information about people who have died.

Other Uses and Disclosures

Preferred may use or disclose health information about you: